until today when I did some searches and found www.jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com I had thought it was patsy and the parents covered it up.
From this site I found that there had been a similar case in the area of someone who went to the same dance school as JBR. The family had been out for the evening. They set the house alarm. Someone raped their young daughter in her bedroom. They think they had been somehow able to enter the house while they were out and spent hours looking at stuff and were already in the house when they returned home.
John Douglas made a really good case that it was likely some neighborhood kid in The Cases That Haunt Us and it's been my theory ever since. The note is full of movie quotes and doesn't read like a middle-aged woman wrote it, the Ramsey's house wasn't particularly secure — apparently a few dozen people had keys — and if the parents were trying to cover for an accidental death they could have done a lot better.
Oh that’s even creepier!
To be fair, Finn and I talk about the JonBenét murder MANY days. And Madeline McCann. This was not a first for us.
And I think the parents worked together to cover up their murder of their daughter.
my head says the dad but my heart says the mom
there's no way it's the brother. that's the weirdest one to me.
its only when you run out of options that the brother seems plausible
I think people have such a hard time believing parents could do such a horrifying thing to their beautiful, small child that it somehow seems more sane to blame the brother? But there's no way it was that poor boy.
But where is the motive for anyone? I say coworker/friend,ch parents were in on the cover up bc keeping up w/ the joneses etc. It should be noted the Ramsay's were no where near as rich as the media portrayed them. They had money sure, Id say they were upper middle class, but these folks were not vacationing on the French Rivera etc.
Yes, Lacey. I guess I don't buy into just ONE (Palin Babygate) conspiracy theory.
I went to college with the brother. I didn't know him well (met him a few times through friends), but he seemed like a nice and normal dude. So he totally didn't do it. /expert opinion
My guess is some sort of argument, that turned into an accidental death, that they then desperately covered up. The stun gun part throws a wrench into that though.
Wait, I thought the stun gun theory was debunked...?
I was reading the autopsy and saw it and there was a picture. I don't know enough about the case to say I'm well informed. I'll tell you one thing though it looked like the M.E. did a really shoddy job to me. They didn't even bother to get time of death, even the cause of death seemed vague. One thing though they didn't think the body had been moved which was interesting. My guess is if someone ever breaks the case it will come from there, the autopsy somewhere, that is.
What if the brother pushed her off his bunk bed or something, and she hit her head? Some people have argued that it is because it's the brother than the Ramseys went to such lengths to create a cover-up instead of calling 911 and saying "there's been an accident." The theory being that they had lost their daughter and didn't also want to lose their son.
Anybody interested in this especially the intruder theory, watch this. (Note there are weird two minute commercial breaks where the screen goes black, just skip past them)
Here's what that video I posted said. If the head wound is what killed her there would have been blood everywhere. The head wound had to be post death there was no blood anywhere.
I never thought the parents murdered her, but I did think they were involved in the cover-up. I could never quite piece together why, though. I've often wondered who they were protecting, I don't think it was the brother. Drives me crazy when I think too much about it.
Who were they protecting then??
I don't know, it makes me nuts! I think if pressed, I would have to believe that the child was killed accidentally, and yes, it probably was her mom. I think Vanity Fair suggested in an article that Patsy accidentally killed JonBenet when she flew into a rage over bedwetting or something like that, and I have given that a lot of consideration. That makes sense to me, but it seems like I read that there were signs of an intruder, too. The whole thing really ties me in knots when I think too much about it. And I never thought the business of the beauty pageants had anything to do with anything. That was just a tacky side item about the family.
My problem with the bedwetting rage theory is that JonBenet apparently wet her bed almost every night. If her mom had been dealing with that for years and years, why suddenly snap over it on Christmas night? I mean, it's possible she was stressed out because of the holiday and putting the sheets in the wash again was just one thing too many, but it seems ... weird. Weirder than intruder theories.
Yeah agreed
I just reread the Vanity Fair article, and there is a suggestion that Patsy happened upon John sexually abusing JonBenet, hurled a heavy object at him, and accidentally hit her instead. Whatever happened, I'm now more inclined to say the mom did it.