What should we call Gawker’s new blogs?
In addition to those five blogs, we'd be launching five more. None require extra hiring; all are open to suggestion and modification:
Media: Media criticism and New York-centric power gossip.
Justice: Politics, inequality, business, the economy, opinion, argument.
Internet: Cybersecurity, dark web, internet culture.
True Stories: This would be, essentially, a bucket for our regular first-person features: Weekend and weekday personal essays, oral histories, collected stories.
And, finally, we'd have the " news feed," overseen by Taylor, which would share all content from the other nine sub-blogs as well as be the home for the "churn": the breaking news and viral stories everyone is talking about and that we need to cover, but don't yet have anything major or lasting to say about.
Most of these suggestions are probably unworkable, but to get things started, here are mine:
Media: Redtop, Deep Background (On Background?), Too Insidery (h/t Max), Journalismism, Hegemon, 2003
Justice: The Republic (or just Justice)
Internet: Hello World, IDK, Spider (probably too obvious)
True Stories: True Stories
News Feed: Feed (i.e., feed.gawker.com)
Like I said: suggestions!
For further reference, here is how the name for Deadspin came about:
Naming Deadspin
During the arduous naming process, multiple names were bandied about, including Miscaster, Deadball, Offscore, Offjock, Spinstop, Tronball and finally Deadspin.
Transcript of AIM chat, June 6, 2005:
mynameisleitch: Hmm. Deadspin. That's not horrible. Is that the general consensus?
lockhart steele: it was the favorite of the group yesterday
mynameisleitch: It's no Tronball, that's for sure.
mynameisleitch: Deadball is almost better.
mynameisleitch: But deadspin is not bad.
lockhart steele: i like it
lockhart steele: perhaps more importantly, Mr. Denton likes it
mynameisleitch: Yes. It's livable.
lockhart steele: ponder it. let it roll off the tongue.